A love letter.

Dear friends,

People pretty much suck in general, but sometimes you just find those golden glimpses of humanity. Like the people that feed you kinder eggs, approve of your texts before you send them, and stumble down stairs on their messed up foot to give you a hug, because they know that that's the only thing you need in that moment. It's the people that decide to go parachuting with you, even though they're crazy scared of heights, and it's the people that skip the gym to eat some extra calories with you even though they have a bet with they boyfriend. It's the ones that crack bad jokes to make you laugh when you're having a really shitty day, and the ones that resist the urge to punch you in the face because you're whining about something really stupid that's not worth whining about. It's the ones that buy you Swedish coffee and ask you if you want to punch their host kids purple stuffed unicorn to let out some frustration, and it's the ones that force you to make lemonade out of those stupid lemons even though they're an ocean away.

I really like that you're a part of my life. Jag älskar er. 
Yours forever,

I USA | |